Friday, August 25, 2006

"Has anyone told you today yet that you are loved?"

Those are the words I woke up to today. Out of the blue, I got a phone call from David Tarus, our national director and director of ELI's Kipkaren Training Centre. He continued to encourage me and express his gratitude for who I am and what I do.

Wow. It was so unexpected. So unkenyan. So needed...

I have been frustrated recently with cultural and personal adjustments. I honestly have wondered at times how long I can really stay here. For how long I'd be able to keep doing what I am doing. Because it feels like I'm doing it alone. With God, absolutely! But humanly speaking, I've been lonely at times. More often than I'd like. And needing encouragement.

God knew that I needed encouragement, that my plate is very full today, that I have a page-long list of things that need to be done. Today. And waking up to someone to encourage me is fuel that will carry me through this day. And days and weeks ahead.

As I start my day soon with spending time with God, I'll ask what my friend Jessie in Thailand asks of God. "God, what would you like for our special time together?" and see how he guides. See how he directs my day, how he and I together can conquer that list--and many things that are not on the list.

But even as I'm still lying in bed, I'm already sensing God challenging me on how I in return can encourage others today. Will my words (and will yours?) be the fuel that will carry others through tough times?

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