Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Revolving Door

This week's been busy at Kipkaren. We still have a group of about 15 recovering alcoholics going through the rehab program. Then came a group of 20 or so TBA's (midwives) for on-site training. All while the 35 agriculture students are still around. Plus 7 visitors who are here for a wedding next week. And 3 people visiting Juli. And Kelsey who's visiting me. Plus one intern's here.

The agric students left for their Christmas break today. And the TBAs completed their class. But tomorrow, we're expecting about 400 children to show up for Kids' Camp, a 3-day Bible Camp. After taking Kelsey to the airport, I'll come and take photos of the children. And then make arrangements for next week's party.

We're having early Christmas at Kipkaren this year. Next Wednesday, I'm bringing the kids from Ilula in for a day of playing and celebrating with their cousins. The Ilula kids, especially, are giddy with excitement. They've been talking about what they think they should wear for the day. Uniforms? Sports uniforms? House clothes? The kids decided to talk to their parents about it, but the majority opinion at this stage is sports uniforms. The search for a bull has started. We're grilling a big bull for the occasion. It should be a lot of fun!

Four days later, there's the wedding in our village where we're expecting at least 1,000 guests. I'm the photographer for the day. There's still a bunch of guests who'll be coming from the US for the occasion. More visitors.

In between, we're all trying to wrap up projects for the year. It's nuts to think that 2008 is only about 3 weeks away! I wonder what the New Year holds...

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