Friday, October 09, 2009

dust devils in the desert

this is a funny keyboard, and i'm on solar power and someone's satellite, so just briefly:

* flew in a teeny tiny cessna for about 90 minutes to get to a very remote part of kenya, where I had visited friends prior to leaving kenya last year
* saw dozens of dust devils in the desert as we approached the 'town' of Korr, also herds of camels
* had a very productive meeting, then went out to look at the site for a possible clinic, but first had to stop for a medical emergency - a young mom had been in labor for almost 36 hours in one of the local manyattas and they were fearing she's dying. by the time we got there, the baby had already passed away, and the mom was resting
* didn't go in to see the family, but had a blast playing with the kids outside. most were naked or half-naked; the teens and grownups all in traditional garb. will load photos later
* tomorrow they are having a cultural day at the school. 400 kids plus their parents will be doing traditional rendille and samburu dances.
* i'm tired, wind-burned, but happy
* due to the extreme drought, most families here only have relief food, which is enough for 10 days. the rest of the month they have nothing to eat
* tonight, i'm once again especially grateful for food, running water, electricity, a roof over my head, friends around me, opportunities to study and enjoy life, medical services, LIFE itself, and for God, who is close to the Rendille even through their difficulties

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