Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Going back this weekend

Last night and this morning, I spoke to David, my director in Kenya, as well as to Julius, ELI's Director of Operations. They agreed that it would be OK for me to come back this weekend. Though there are renewed protests, they believe it's safe enough for me to return to the village, as long as I'd be willing to be careful, not go to town without consulting with our directors, and not hold it agains ELI if anything happens. I'm OK with that.

So, on Saturday morning, I'll be off to Nairobi. I'm waiting to hear if it would be safer to spend the night in the city and take a morning flight. I think that'd be best. Wouldn't want to have to drive to Kipkaren in the dark. I usually don't like it, and now it would even be less of a good idea to drive at night. So on Sunday, I'll fly to Eldoret and then someone will pick me up from the airport.

I look forward to posting news from the village!


  1. Hello Adele! We will be praying for your safe return to Kenya.

  2. Adele,
    This is awesome news! I'll be asking the father for your safe journey and some angelic support for this one! ; ))

  3. That's great news, Adele. Kelli and I will pray for your safety and the difficult path of ministry ahead of you.

  4. Good for you! Praying for you and looking forward to reading your updates from there.

  5. So excited for you!! WE'll be praying!
