Friday, January 16, 2009

I survived...

...the coldest day in Cedar Rapids' recorded history. And I was even out and about, running errands! Here's how cold it is where I am:

That's from KCRG, the local TV station's web site.

Other than trying to avoid going out in the cold (simply because a small vehicle just doesn't feel so safe on icy roads...), I've been preparing for a photo exhibit which opens this weekend.

I've been given the opportunity to show some of my photos at Higher Grounds, the coffee shop at the local Assemblies of God church. They recently equipped their coffee shop to be able to show art, installing track lighting and adjustable cables to hang art work. I'm thrilled to be able to share my photos with people in the area.

If you live in or around Cedar Rapids, feel free to stop by Higher Grounds anytime on a Sunday morning or on Wednesday evenings.

I'll be posting photos of the framed photos here, since I hope to sell a few pieces.


  1. Congratulations on being able to show your photos! That is a wonderful accomplishment! I love to stop by your site from time to time - it's always interesting and I do enjoy the photos :)


  2. That is really exciting!
    Well I have to say you are closer to me now more than ever!
    I'm in Wisconsin...
    Do you plan to post any of the photo's on your blog?

  3. How exciting...that you survived the cold AND the phot exhibit! That is wonderful. I wish we could make it down to see the whole show, but we do look forward to seeing the ones you will post on-line that are for sale!!! Take care!

  4. Hello,
    I just came across your blog today.
    I am in southwest Michigan and we have had some real cold weather and a lot of snow. We didn't get as cold as you did. :) I have enjoyed reading your posts!
    Blessings, Jamey
