Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Food Poisoning is No Fun

Warning: Not for sensitive readers. (Not that I'm going to discuss my bodily functions in depth for the world to analyze, but still.)

How I feel today makes up for three years of almost no tummy issues in Kenya.

I cannot remember the last time I felt the way I do today... I made chicken risotto last night. Even took a large bowl of it to neighbors. After I had two bites, I thought I'd better stop eating. It didn't taste off. It was simply one of those times when you know you shouldn't eat more.

The two bites, however, was enough to peg me down completely. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, and since then, well, let me simply say that I've been very, very thankful for indoor plumbing.

I've been trying to rehydrate myself with very small sips of water. By noon, I was even able to puree two apples and keep those down. For the time being, at least.

If I loose more liquids, our nurse is going to put me on IV.

I've spoken to my neighbors whom I shared the meal with, and they're all fine. Their systems can endure far more since they're not used to refridgerated food. I have a strong suspision we had no power over the weekend, and the chicken I used had thawed and refroze... 

No fun. I've been put on Cipro right away (since I could pretty well identify the cause, knowing it's bacterial) and I'm hoping that'll help.

In the meantime, I've been nappping and listening to stuff on my computer while dozing in and out off sleep. I cannot read (which I need to do!!) due to a headache.

Hopefully my next post will be far more upbeat. And hopefully it won't include a picture of me with an IV hanging on the wall beside me...


  1. I'm sorry! I hope by the time you read this you are feeling better.

    Have a great day! I do have to say when I read that first sentence I paused because I can still remember the post about the eating of the ants/bugs thingys!


  2. oh nooo!
    thinking of you...
