Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We serve a BIG God

Crowned Crane
Originally uploaded by Boyznberry.
The entire area just had a black-out for a couple of hours. I walked over to the children's home to go and read to some of the girls, and WOW, I wish I could send a picture of the sky! No electricity + no moon = a spectacular sky! The stars almost reached the horizon, there were so many! The milky way is a thick line in the night sky tonight, and the stars seem to be competing to outshine each other.

It was such a simple reminder for me of what a BIG God I serve, and his extravagant love for us!

Earlier today, I drove to our Kipkaren base to take photos of an event, and had a similar experience. On the side of this little rural road I was on, just feet away from my car, one of my favorite African birds was grazing. It's a crowned crane. Look at the picture and you'll notice the incredible detail. This bird is silver, gold, black, white and red. It was a treat to see it so close to the road--and to have my camera nearby.

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